Our Methodology
When it comes to securing new wealthy clients or donors, referrals are the most efficient path to do so, however, most sales and fundraising strategies don’t proactively focus on generating referrals. WealthQuotient scales and systematizes a proactive “Inward Out” referral driven approach that streamlines growth.

The Challenge
“Outward in” prospecting techniques such as wealth screens and rich lists promote inefficient sales and fundraising strategies. These prospecting tools don’t take into consideration how a fundraiser or salesperson will access that so-called “prospect”. With no clear referral path, teams are forced to answer a very challenging question, “How do I get in front of the prospect?" The time, energy and resources spent trying to solve this problem is a big reason engaging this audience is so inefficient.
Our Solution
Our Solution
WealthQuotient scales an efficient “inward out” referral-based prospect development strategy by offering 3 core products:
We help Identify your real target market comprised of qualified and accessible prospects in the relational networks of your organization’s best referral sources (people we call “HUBS”). This is your WealthGraph and provides your sales and fundraising team with a clear referral path to each prospect.
Our World Class Coaching empowers teams with the skills, processes and tools they need to effectively monetize your institutions WealthGraph.
We help implement the proper metrics and KPI’s and track them throughout to ensure a clear ROI.
The Outcome

The Outcome

Efficient Access to a broader number of the right prospects.
Twice the meetings in half the time. Our approach helps our clients systematize and institutionalize referrals, so the right prospects don’t fall through the cracks. Never again will you have to ask, “How do I get in front of the prospect?”

Accelerating Chemistry and Trust once you access your prospects.
At the end of the day, the reason someone does business with you and not your competitor is because they like you and trust you more. We help our clients understand their prospects better, create coincidences through bespoke engagements and ultimately increase their conversion rates.